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restoring force characteristics中文是什么意思

用"restoring force characteristics"造句"restoring force characteristics"怎么读"restoring force characteristics" in a sentence


  • 恢复力特征


  • According to the demand of 《 code for seismic design of building 》 ( gb50011 - 2001 ) , furthermore , based on the experimental study of two 1 / 15 reduced - scale shear wall models under low frequency cyclic and reversed lateral loads , the interacting behavior of the r . c frame column and the shear wall is studied , the failure mechanism and energy dissipation mechanism of moderate and tall shear wall with r . c frame column are compared , the seismic behavior is evaluated by the comparison of strength , stiffness , ductility , restoring force characteristics as well as energy consumption ability . it was showed by the experimental results that the earthquake resistant energy dissipation ability of the shear wall with frame column is satisfactory
    因此,为了探讨这类剪力墙结构的抗震性能,本文以我国现行《建筑抗震设计规范》 ( gb50011 - 2001 )的要求为基础,通过1 15的缩尺比,将一纵向框架一剪力墙原型结构中的剪力墙结构模拟为一个试验模型并对其进行了伪静力加载试验,研究了墙板与边框柱的共同工作性能,分析了带边框柱中高剪力墙的受力特点、破坏及耗能机理,并从承载力、刚度、变形、延性及恢复力特性等方面综合评价了其抗震性能,得出了一些有益的设计理念和方法。
  • But there is still a lot to be advancedresearch , complement in the development application process of new construction system . the paper , through the test of shear property and the factor analysis , studied rigdity and restoring force characteristic of multi - ribbied slab . finished work as following : though aseismic test of nine 1 / 2 - scaled model and one 1 / 4 - scaled model slabs , the paper studied breakage form , bearing capacity and energer consume , questioned stagnant speciality and contrast analyzed all kinds of factors influenting rigidity
    本文是在总结课题组前期研究工作的基础上,通过对墙板模型的抗剪性能试验及因素分析,就密肋复合墙板的刚度及恢复力特征进行了研究,完成的主要工作如下:通过对9块1 2比例及一块1 4比例墙板模型抗震性能试验,研究了墙板的破坏形态、承载力、变形及耗能;探讨了墙板的滞回特性;同时对影响刚度的各种因素进行了对比分析。
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